| hey y'all! welcome to the official website for the Radical cheerleaders! Radical Cheerleading is Protest+Performance. It's activism with pom poms and middle fingers extended. It's screaming FUCK CAPITALISM while doing a split. The Radical Cheerleaders started when once upon a time, two magical sisters from the land of Florida named Cara and Aimee decided that regular old protests on street corners holding signs and waving at oncoming traffic was just not RADICAL enough.They made pom-poms out of plastic bags and passed their cheers out in zine form.Soon enough,Radical Cheerleading spread like blue bonnet margarine on vegan biscuits.Squads are popping up at an alarmingly bad ass rate, from us here in Memphis, to Austin, New York, Atlanta, New Orleans.. The list gets longer and STRONGER daily!!! This page is only a bit of the revolution, it should INSPIRE you to either get involved with a squad near you, or START YOUR OWN!!! If anyone has anything to add to this page, feel free to get in touch. I'm still trying to move onto an ad-free site so any help with that would be glorious. xo Tricky