| From Ohio RC's: ANTI-RACIST, ANTI-SEXIST, PRO-QUEER!!! GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDERED, SAME-GENDER-LOVING, QUEER OR A STRAIGHT ALLY? ANTI-RACIST, ANTI-SEXIST, PRO-QUEER, AND AGAINST CLASS EXPLOITATION? RADICAL? REVOLUTIONARY? PROGRESSIVE? March with the RADICAL OHIO QUEER CONTINGENT!!! June 17th at Cleveland PRIDE! June 23rd at Columbus PRIDE! To Get Involved, Contact ROHQ at: 330-672-3767. ROHQ2001@yahoo.com PO Box 942, Kent, OH 44240 We may be queer, but queer is not all that we are! We may face heterosexism and homophobia but we also face racism, sexism and class exploitation! We want heterosexism and homophobia to end, but we also recognize that all forms of oppression must end! One cannot fight one form of oppression without fighting them all! Join the Radical Ohio Queer Contingent in 2001: March for the liberation of all people from all forms of oppression! Radical Anti-Racist Anti-Sexist Pro-Queer ********************************* SOUTHERN GIRL CONVENTION!!! Auburn Women's Organization and Free State Action are proud to announce the Third Annual SOUTHERN GIRLS' CONVENTION (SGC 2001), on the weekend of FRIDAY, JULY 20 - SUNDAY, JULY 22 (mark your calendars!), at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama! WHY A SOUTHERN GIRLS' CONVENTION? Because we live in rural towns overrun with religious piety. Because we live in big cities overrun with racial tension. Because we need to unite, create a network, and become empowered. Because we need to fight back against misogyny and violence against women. Because we reject the racist and sexist Southern Belle archetype and any passive, second place gender role thrust upon us. Because we are strong, intelligent, independent, and active young women who seek change in our communities. Because we refuse to be victims. Because we have an intrinsic desire to revolt. Southern Girls' Convention will meet the challenge by bringing together hundreds of college-age (and older!) activists from across the country for a weekend of discussion, action, and entertainment devoted to building pro-woman community in the South. AT SGC 2001, YOU CAN: + Attend your choice of information-packed caucuses and peer workshops on women in the South, reproductive rights, movement-building, sexuality, racism, body image, etc. ... + Share your skills and learn from other pro-woman activists on consciousness-raising groups, women's self-defense, healthy living, using the Internet, DIY and guerilla media, and more! + See shows with excellent grrrl bands and women performers! See free feminist films, check out exhibits of local women's artwork, and enjoy women's culture from around the South. + See life in the Deep South in "the Loveliest Village on the Plains," Auburn, Alabama and the surrounding area - Tuskeegee, Montgomery, Birmingham, Atlanta, and Selma are all easy day trips. + Meet hundreds of fabulous feminists from across the country: advertise your zine, browse tables upon tables of activist information, coordinate new projects, spread publicity for your own convention, have amazing discussions, make new contacts ...! FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER ON-LINE: --- Main website: www.infoshop.org/southerngirls/home.html http://www.auburn.edu/awo/sgc/ (includes guided tour, convention history, frequently asked questions, registration form, opportunities for supporting the conference, and more!) --- To contact SGC organizers: http://www.auburn.edu/awo/sgc2001/contact.html E-mail: sgcalabama@hotmail.com Phone: (334) 826-9573 (ask for Charlie) (334) 821-4949 (ask for claire.) or (785) 331-3068 (ask for Ailecia) PLEASE FORWARD THIS E-MAIL FAR AND WIDE! Send it to friends, list servers, post it on your website or bulletin board... we are counting on YOU to help us spread the word. You can use the "Forward" button on your web browser, or if the mail is becoming toO cluttered from multiple forwards, you can send a fresh copy from our website at: http://www.auburn.edu/awo/sgc2001/support.html#publicity